Saturday, December 24, 2011

Console Table

There's a blank wall between our living room and kitchen area and I want to put console table there. So I went window shopping online but couldn't find one that is not too wide and are all pricey. I tried to check out some consignment store but couldn't find one that I am excited buying. So, I decided to make my own. Will be my first DIY furniture but thanks to online tutorials and website especially Ana white's, I was able to design and make my own.

Cut to the desired measurement, sanded and ready for staining.

Drying the first coat of stain.

Assembled the main part and drawers are ready for the nice handles.
After drying and other finishing touches, waiting for the wicker baskets.

I couldn't find wicker baskets that will fit this middle shelves so it will be empty until I find them. I was too lazy that I didn't nicely stained the interior of the shelving  because I know I will put baskets there.

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